Anitra Earle of Yonkers, New York, writes: "I'm a perfume detective who hunts down hard-to-find and discontinued scents. One of the benefits of running...
The secret to this succulent bird is an inexpensive metal pan. We used the kind of old-fashioned oval roaster found in most supermarkets, not fancy cookware...
Biftek à la Parrilla. This recipe uses only two ingredients for the marinade, yet the results belie the simplicity. Of course, steak is at its best when...
Our idea of salad for dinner in the height of summer means minimal cooking, lots of fresh greens, and enough protein to feel filling. Here, that means...
This used to be one of the first lessons in home economics classes; invariably white and pasty, it coated many a bland dish. When well made, however, it...
This dish is for when a 3 p.m. hang turns into a dinner party or when you've had too long of a day at work. But just because it's comfort food doesn't...
A simple Buffalo-style hot sauce delivers a big punch of flavor to these addictive grilled wings. Brush a little sauce on the wings at the end of grilling...
This summer-season chicken salad is a dance between sweet, creamy, and acidic flavors and tender, crunchy, and juicy ingredients. Make it in early summer...